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Reformed dogmatics.
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 1577996437 9781577996439 9781577995845 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bellingham, Washington : Lexham Press,

Reformed dogmatics.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1577996445 9781577996446 9781577995913 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bellingham, Washington : Lexham Press,

L' Orient chrétien de Constentin et d'Eusèbe de Césarée
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782503553597 2503553591 Year: 2014 Volume: 22 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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Ecclesia et violentia
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781443866590 1443866598 9781443870023 1443870021 Year: 2014 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars Publishing

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Ecclesia et Violentia is an interdisciplinary anthology that explores the phenomenon of violence in relation to the medieval Church, as well as within the structures of that institution. The volume provides a clearer understanding of hostile and violent acts against both religious institutions and clergy, and explores the interpersonal aggression between clergymen or forms of violent behaviour of medieval clerics. It investigates, furthermore, the role of violence in maintaining discipline within religious communities, as well as religious, legal and cultural interpretations of the aforementioned issues. However, despite the many points of view expressed here, the central question the authors reconcile is how the phenomenon of violence interacted with the most important medieval institution, and official Church thinking regarding concepts such as power, rank, feudal loyalty and protection and ownership. Through the geographical diversity of the contributions and the variety of disciplinary perspectives, this book highlights how important violence was in the life of the clergy and how it formed an integral part of the legal culture and social bonds in many regions of medieval Europe.

Konzilstagebuch. : mit Erläuterungen und Akten aus der Arbeit der Kommission für Glauben und Sitten : II. Vatikanisches Konzil
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3869457643 9783869457642 9783883099293 Year: 2014 Publisher: Nordhausen, [Germany] : Verlag Traugott Bautz,

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Sebastian Tromp war Sekretär der Theologischen Kommission während des II. Vatikanischen Konzils. Seine nüchternen und sachlichen Aufzeichnungen geben die Sitzungen, an denen er teilnahm, die Berichte, seinen Briefwechsel und die von ihm geführten Gespräche wieder. Sie werden während der Konzilszeit immer detaillierter und halten exakt jede Entscheidung fest. Dank dieses Tagebuchs kann heute genau rekonstruiert werden, wann, durch wen und weswegen die Dokumente des II. Vatikanischen Konzils, die die Theologische Kommission erstellte, ihre endgültige Form erhielten.Der dritte Band behandelt den Zeitraum vom 29.9.1963, dem Beginn der zweiten Konzilssession, diesmal unter Papst Paul VI., bis zum Tag vor Beginn der dritten Konzilssession am 14.9.1964. Die Diskussion in der Konzilsaula und in der Kommission betraf in diesem Jahr hauptsächlich die Erstellung der Kirchenkonstitution, Lumen Gentium. Dieser erste Teilband enthält das Tagebuch im lateinischen Original mit deutscher Übersetzung. Hunderte Anmerkungen geben Hinweise auf Archivmaterial und auf die Unterlagen, die im zweiten Teilband veröffentlicht sind. InhaltsverzeichnisBand IEinleitungNachrufInterviewTagebuch des Sekretärs (Deutsch)Diarium Secretarii (Lateinisch)Band IIRelationen1. Relatio de schemate de Ecclesia (1 Oct. 1963-1 Apr. 1964)2. Relatio Secretarii de laboribus (15 Mart. - 16 Julii 1964)3. Relatio Secretarii de textu revidendo4. Relatio de statu Laborum circa Const. de Ecclesia, 2.12.635. Relatio de Laboribus subcommissionis Vae6. De Episcoporum Collegio, 28.2.647. Acta VII Subcommissionis Theologicae8. Relatio Generalis, Caput III.9. Relatio Secretarii ineunte Sessione Plenaria (3/1964)10. Relatio Secretarii habita in Sessione plenaria (6/1964)11. Relatio adunationis, (De libertate religiosa)12. Relatio 6/1964 (Philips)13. Relatio 6/1964 (Molinari)14. Summarium SC II15. Relatio de laboribus SC "De Divina Revelatione"16. Relatio Secretarii de textu revidendo secundum observationes Patrum (15.10.1963)17. Relations verbales sessionum SC III (6-21.11.63)18. Relatio de actis SC IIae (30.10.- 21.11.63)19. Relatio de laboribus circa schema "De Ecclesia"20. Relatio de labore SC Centralis21. Relatio de initio laboris (13.10.1963)22. Relatio Secretarii (23.10.1963)Briefe1. Ottaviani an Antoniutti 5.10.932. Ottaviani an Papst 19.11.19633. Browne an Tromp 3.10.19634. Browne an Tromp 6.10.19635. Browne an Tromp 21.10.19636. Philips an Tromp 9.2.19646,1. Philips an Tromp 12.2.19646,2. Philips an Tromp 16.2.19646,3. Philips an Tromp 20.2.19646,4. Philips an Tromp 23.2.19646,5. Philips an Tromp 22.3.19646,6. Tromp an Philips 31.3.19646.7. Philips an Tromp 30.4.19646,8. Ottaviani an Philips 6.5.19646,9. Philips an Tromp 6.5.19646,10. Philips an Tromp 10.5.19646,11. Philips an Tromp 12.5.19646,12. Tromp an Philips 13.5.19646,13. Philips an Tromp 14.5.19646,14. Philips an Tromp 21.5.19646,15. Philips an Tromp Pfingsten 19646,16. Philips an Ottaviani 10.6.19646,17. Philips an Tromp 15.7.19646,18. Philips an Tromp 24.6.19646,19. Philips an Tromp 22.7.19646,20. Philips an Tromp 7.8.19646,21. Philips an Ottaviani 7.8.19646,22. Ottaviani an Philips s.d.6,23. Ottaviani an Philips 26.8.19647. Maria van Goethem 14.10.19638.Tromp an Papst 11.9.19649. Ottaviani an Siri 9.4.196410. Siri an Ottaviani, 7.11.196311. Ottaviani an Charue 19.12.196312. Butler an Tromp 4.4.196413. Butler an Tromp 25.5.196414. Colombo an Tromp 23.5.196415. Briefwechsel König/Tromp16. Briefwechsel Ottaviani/Larraona17. Philips an Tromp 6.12.196317,1. Ottaviani an Philips s.d.17,2. Briefwechsel Ottaviani/Philips/Tromp 12/63-1/6418. Briefwechsel zum Kapitel VII19. Ottaviani, 9.1.196420. Dell'Acqua an Ottaviani, 8.6.196421. Ottaviani/Tromp an alle Mitglieder, [1964]22. Ottaviani an Agagianian, 30.10.6323. Tromp an Mitglieder und Konsultoren 2.10.63Protokolle1. SC "De Divina Revelatione"2. Conventus Privatum Peritorum (De B.M.V.) 25.11.633. Sessio Plenaria, 2.12.1963Dokumente1. Praesentes Martii 19642. Adnotatio in textum noviter propositum(De Collegio Episcopali eiusque Capite)3. Formula de Qualificatione4. Praesentes Juni 19645. Praesentes (Periti) Juni 19646. Schauf, Observationes Rahner7. Text Tromp8. Schröffer, De Populo Dei9. Memorandum10. Propositio - Normae11. Elenchus Subcommissionum12.Praesentes 10/6313. Propositiones De Ecclesia14. De qualificatione Theologica15. Nota Secretarii16. Conspectum Observationum17. Aufteilung SC18. SC Prima19. SC Secunda20. Appunto sul modo di votare lo schema "De Ecclesia"21. Observatio ad caput III (olim II) de Revelatione22. MemorandumNamensverzeichnisIndex ReiheKONZILTAGEBUECHER - Band 3.

Le défi interreligieux : l'Église chrétienne, les religions et la société laïque
ISBN: 9782204104562 9782204103190 2204103195 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris Cerf

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v.1: Dans ce premier volume, G. Siegwalt concentre son propos sur la place du christianisme dans la société sécularisée et plurireligieuse, sur les rapports entre religion et laïcité, sur les différences et les points communs entre le christianisme et les autres religions en général, avant d'entamer plus spécifiquement une étude comparative entre la religion chrétienne, le judaïsme et l'islam. ©Electre 2015 v.2.: Ce second volume est consacré à l'étude du monothéisme chrétien. Au regard de l'acception de ce terme prônée par le judaïsme et l'islam, il s'interroge sur l'affirmation d'une unité autour de la sainte trinité défendue par le dogme chrétien. Il dénonce une dérive historique et temporelle du monothéisme et propose une approche respectant la diversité des croyants et de leurs pratiques. ©Electre 2015

Word and Spirit
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110304749 9783110307313 3110304740 311037028X 3110307316 9783110370287 Year: 2014 Volume: 158 Publisher: Berlin De Gruyter

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Christology and Pneumatology face many challenges today. Eight contributors, four European and four Asian theologians, respond to some of these challenges. Christoph Schwöbel responds to the challenge of fundamentalism and spiritualism through the renewal of the Trinitarian theology of the Reformers, Markus Mühling through a return to the "concarnational" Pneumatology of Thomas Erskine. Hans-Joachim Sander meets the challenge of suffering and powerlessness through the postmodern hermeneutics of heterotopia (Foucault), Lieven Boeve responds to that of skepticism and pluralism through the hermeneutics of interruption. Lee Ki-Sang and Kim Heup Young address the globalization of materialism and anthropocentrism through the respective retrieval of the apophaticism and Christology of Ryu Young Mo, increasingly noted today for his original synthesis of Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism. Finally, Lai Pan-Chiu and Anselm Min engage in an East/West dialogue, Lai by comparing the Christian idea of deification and the Neo-Confucian idea of self-cultivation, Min the Trinity of Aquinas and the Triad of Zhu Xi. This is a substantial, timely, and insightful contribution to Christology and Pneumatology in the context of the many issues raised by globalization, especially the need for serious East/West dialogue.


Holy Spirit. --- Theology, Doctrinal --- 232 --- 231.3 --- 231.3 God de Heilige Geest. Pneumatologie. Parakleet --- God de Heilige Geest. Pneumatologie. Parakleet --- Christian doctrines --- Christianity --- Doctrinal theology --- Doctrines, Christian --- Dogmatic theology --- Fundamental theology --- Systematic theology --- Theology, Dogmatic --- Theology, Systematic --- Theology --- Holy Ghost --- Paraclete --- Pneumatology (Theology) --- Spirit, Holy --- God (Christianity) --- Spirit --- Trinity --- History --- Jezus Christus. Christologie: dogmatisch. De Verbo incarnato --- Doctrines --- Jesus Christ --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Jezus --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- عيسىٰ --- Person and offices. --- Holy Spirit --- Person and offices --- ‏عيسىٰ‏ --- Theology, Doctrinal - History - 21st century --- Jesus Christ - Person and offices --- Christology. --- comparative theology. --- global theology. --- pneumatology.

Der Jansenismus - eine "katholische Häresie"? : das Ringen um Gnade, Rechtfertigung und die Autorität Augustins in der frühen Neuzeit
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783402115831 3402115832 Year: 2014

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Jansenists --- Theology, Doctrinal --- 284.1 "15/17" --- 273.71 --- 2 AUGUSTINUS --- Christian doctrines --- Christianity --- Doctrinal theology --- Doctrines, Christian --- Dogmatic theology --- Fundamental theology --- Systematic theology --- Theology, Dogmatic --- Theology, Systematic --- Theology --- Christian sects --- 2 AUGUSTINUS Godsdienst. Theologie--AUGUSTINUS --- Godsdienst. Theologie--AUGUSTINUS --- 273.71 Geschiedenis van het jansenisme:--algemeen --- Geschiedenis van het jansenisme:--algemeen --- 284.1 "15/17" Lutheraanse hervorming. Reformatie van Luther--Moderne Tijd --- Lutheraanse hervorming. Reformatie van Luther--Moderne Tijd --- Doctrines&delete& --- History&delete& --- Congresses --- Doctrines --- Augustine, --- Avgustin, --- Augustinus, Aurelius, --- Augustyn, --- Augustin, --- Ughasṭīnūs, --- Agostino, --- Agustí, --- Augoustinos, --- Aurelius Augustinus, --- Augustinus, --- Agustín, --- Aurelio Agostino, --- Episkopos Ippōnos Augoustinos, --- Augoustinos Ipponos, --- Agostinho, --- Ōgostinos, --- Agostino, Aurelio, --- אוגוסטינוס הקדוש --- أغسطينوس، --- 奥古斯丁 --- Catholic Church --- History --- Congresses. --- Conferences - Meetings --- Augustinus, Aurelius --- Agostinho --- Augustine of Hippo --- Augustine d'Hippone --- Agostino d'Ippona --- Augustin d'Hippone --- Augustinus Hipponensis, sanctus --- Sant'Agostino --- Augustinus van Hippo --- Aurelius Augustinus --- Aurelio Agostino --- 聖アウグスティヌス --- アウグスティヌス --- Augustine --- Église catholique --- Jansénistes --- Doctrines religieuses --- Augustin --- Influence --- Church of Rome --- Roman Catholic Church --- Katholische Kirche --- Katolyt︠s︡ʹka t︠s︡erkva --- Römisch-Katholische Kirche --- Römische Kirche --- Ecclesia Catholica --- Eglise catholique --- Eglise catholique-romaine --- Katolicheskai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ --- Chiesa cattolica --- Iglesia Católica --- Kościół Katolicki --- Katolicki Kościół --- Kościół Rzymskokatolicki --- Nihon Katorikku Kyōkai --- Katholikē Ekklēsia --- Gereja Katolik --- Kenesiyah ha-Ḳatolit --- Kanisa Katoliki --- כנסיה הקתולית --- כנסייה הקתולית --- 가톨릭교 --- 천주교

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